-The release date is September 21, so mark your calendars! 发布日期是9月21日,在您的日历上做好标注吧!
The deal, expected to be announced with the bank's earnings release next week, would mark the third big sale of leveraged loans – which are used to finance private equity buy-outs – by a big bank this month. 预计德意志银行将在下周发布公司业绩的同时宣布此笔交易,它将标志着本月以来大型银行进行的第三笔大规模杠杆贷款出售。杠杆贷款用于为私人股本收购提供融资。
If you've been curious about Android, the release of Ice Cream Sandwich will mark a good time to jump in. 如果你对安卓系统感兴趣,“冰激淋三明治”的发布是你加入安卓阵营一个很好的时机。
The release of monthly figures next week will mark the fourth anniversary of prices having fallen into a downward slide. 下星期公布的每月数据将显示香港连续四年通缩。
During the week after its release, the Mark II plan had STG buzzing. 马可Ⅱ计划在公布1周内便在$TG掀起了骚动。
That analysis suggests that the eventual release of Mr Zhan could mark the end of the incident. 这种分析表明,詹其雄最终获释可能标志着事件的结束。